What 3 Types of Weird People Teach Us About Life

They make us question our mental patterns

Tülay Dilmen
5 min readJan 26, 2021
Photo by Judeus Samson on Unsplash

I’ve met them. You’ve them. Everybody has met them. Maybe you and I are even one of them.

I’m referring to people we tend to label weird or bizarre. We usually don’t tell them to their face that they are kind of different, especially when we’ve just got to know them. But the word “weird” definitely crossed our minds when engaging with them.

We sense that these people are everything but mediocre. It’s how they talk, their attitudes, habits, interests, or the whole appearance. Something about them is strange, and we immediately notice it. They stand out from the crowd.

For example, a neighbor of mine went on vacation alone for several weeks. I was happy to hear he had an amazing vacation. But, honestly, I also thought to myself, “It’s weird that he always goes on vacation alone. He probably doesn’t have any friends.”

It’s human nature that we tend to pigeonhole anyone living outside of social norms. We often judge them by giving nicknames or specific labels. Other than that, we don’t really feel comfortable around these extraordinary people. Maybe we find them a little unpredictable or simply exhausting. In any case, we tend to keep our distance.

But wouldn’t the world be boring as hell if everyone acted according to social norms?

The world wouldn’t only be boring, but it would also come to a standstill. Humanity would hardly develop any further if there were no outliers who make us think.

After all, it’s the weird people who remain in our long-term memory, isn’t it?

Once we open up to them, we start thinking out-of-the-box. We question our own mindset, which we originally built to meet the general expectations. Suddenly, we realize that we have been limiting ourselves all the time.

The encounter with the outsider surprisingly turns into an inspiring experience.

Even though I generally don’t choose to pigeonhole people, I will describe three types of outsiders I find incredibly inspiring. And you will quickly recognize them.

Here they are, the extraordinary people who break our mental patterns.

1. The Clown

The clowns have no filter when making comments and jokes. They uninhibitedly say what everyone is thinking, but no one dares to say, and add a good dose of humor. Preferably black humor. Their jokes come unexpected and make you laugh so hard you get a stomach ache. You could go on laughing all day long at a single joke of theirs. They just make your day. They imitate other people like nobody else and add some special effects like funny noises. Having them around is like being in a standup comedy show, only with the difference that you don’t have to buy any ticket before.

In short, they appear like a clown: colorful and funny.

What makes them weird is the potentially high embarrassment factor. Many jokes seem to be out-of-place or go too far. Plus, they also make jokes at the expense of others. They are loud and shrill at moments when restraint and seriousness are required.

What we can learn from a clown:

We can learn from a clown to bring lightheartedness into our lives. Unfortunately, most of us take life too seriously. Plus, we let us guide by negative thoughts. We often get tense and forget to let go and be more playful.

The clowns have the gift to break the ice within seconds. Their entertaining nature makes most people feel comfortable around them, even strangers. They immediately recognize a tense atmosphere and can lighten it up. They remind us to go through life more relaxed, even in difficult moments.

Jim Carrey is, for example, a clown.

2. The Bohemian

People pursuing a bohemian lifestyle are artists and free spirits through and through. They are everything but conventional. They never do or say something because everyone else does. Also, they never try hard to fit into the ideals of society. Quite the opposite — they reject the bourgeois lifestyle completely.

Working in public administration because it is considered a stable and prestigious career? That would be an absolute nightmare for them. Instead, they pursue their creative calling. Their identity as an artist is reflected in the way they dress: unconventional, colorful, with an abundance of eye-catching necklaces and bracelets.

We find people with a bohemian lifestyle weird because they don’t seem to have a clear life structure. They have a different daily routine compared to the majority of people. While most of us have a 9-to-5 job, a stable income, and a daily routine, it’s pretty unclear what the bohemian does all day to keep the head above water.

What we can learn from a bohemian:

We can learn to be completely authentic. To live the life we really want. Pursuing our own ideals and dreams should be more important than living up to our families and society’s expectations. The bohemian lifestyle is far away from materialism. Instead, it’s filled with inspiring hobbies and an extraordinary taste in music. Spending time with a bohemian improves our general knowledge hugely, making us question our view on society.

Lisa Bonet, for example, appears to have a bohemian lifestyle.

3. The Loner

“Table for one, please.” the loner might typically say.

The lone wolf who doesn’t seem to need anyone to be happy. Being alone is more a conscious decision of loners than the consequence of a difficult personality. Family and friends are nice extras, but not a must for them to be happy in life.

Interacting with people, on the other hand, is difficult for them. They don’t always feel comfortable at social events.

The loners are called weird because they seem somewhat antisocial. They often enter a room without saying hello and leaving without saying goodbye. They leave the impression that they don’t care about the people around them. Besides, they barely reveal any private information, which makes them also unavailable.

What we can learn from a loner:

The loners are highly self-sufficient and independent people. They master any challenge in life without permanently seeking reassurance and support from others. It is important to them to solve problems on their own. It is admirable that they prefer to be alone than being in a relationship with someone who is bad for them.

Keanu Reeves is a celebrity known as a loner.

Take away

We judge people who don’t follow certain norms. However, it’s the outsiders who make us question our not always healthy mindsets.

They show us that life can be lived differently — completely different from what is considered normal by the community. They are, in many ways, more courageous than the average person. They have the courage to be authentic without being bothered by others' judgemental looks.

The clown doesn’t take life so seriously — life is hard anyway, so it’s easier to bear it with humor.

The bohemian questions the social system and traditions. Many social conventions are, in fact, pointless or even harmful to people.

The loner would never associate with toxic people. They’d rather stay alone. Unlike most people, they aren’t scared to be alone.

Maybe you recognize yourself in one of these types. That’s great. You might not have realized it yet, but you add so much value to other people’s life. Stay the way you are!



Tülay Dilmen
Tülay Dilmen

Written by Tülay Dilmen

Deep Thinker— Fast Learner— Art Lover. I'm here to help you understand your core values in life and live by them. Say hello! tuelaydilmen@gmail.com

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